Namaste and welcome.

Have you ever wondered if true and lasting happiness was possible?

Would you like to have the skills that support a life of joy and ease?

Are you ready to walk through the door to experiencing peace on earth?

Though there may be many troubles at this time, there are so many things we can be doing that can and will develop our inner peace and happiness. Ways and practices that will lead to true and lasting happiness. Discover the place inside of yourself that is the place of light, magnificent and bright ... filled with the wonder of a child and the wisdom of a sage... the place of freedom that is your true nature.
When this is found, that unobstructed expression of love and being flows freely into the universe, touching the hearts and minds of all. Ones journey becomes peaceful, ones life becomes meaningful.
  Join this wonderful journey to the discovery of your Self.

Through these eventful, fun and reflective courses, retreats and seminars you'll feel immediately elevated, stronger and clearer about yourself, your relationships and your reality.
Questions like  "Who am I?" , "Where am I going?", "Am I really living the life I envisioned?", are answered, confusion is lifted and purpose revealed. 

Namaste and welcome, welcome home to you.

                                           Tashi Delegs and many blessings, 
                                                                                           Maya Malay